Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just about to leave

Blog entry number 1!

I'm stoked,

Duncan to Chile, it'll be quite the trip
I leave on Monday.  It is Friday.  that's sneaky!
The above is what I have to pack.  a whole lotta stuff
probably too much, but I will discover that along the way!
So I've got all that on the way; today is my own deadline to pack, just because I have a really busy weekend ahead of me -- Thanksgiving and all.
Tomorrow night I am having a goodbye potlatch with most of my friends
It'll be really nice to see everyone before I go

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob,

    I am hoping to leave on a similar venture, heading South from Portland Oregon sometime this winter. I would love to get advice and tips from you, and compare routes. Please send an email to to be in touch.

    Happy travels
